Welcome one and all! You have stumbled upon Fanfilled.net, home to Catherine's fanlisting collective and a few fansites. Here you will find listings of all current and upcoming, I own. Also fanlistings I have joined and random fandoms of sites I run on the side. Many of my fanlistings are listed at thefanlistings.org. The rest were listed at namelistings.org and physicalfanlistings.org, but are no longer. I still run them and now are listed at Alter Listings Network. I have been very busy remodeling my many fanlistings and gettin my fansite on Geoffrey Rush up. A To Do list has been created and I will be updating it, every so offend until it is done.

Today is and there is

At this point of time, I run 83 fanlistings with 0 upcoming. I have in total 8519 listed fans with 1 more waiting to be approve.

My newest fanlisting is for Colours: Cool, while my newest joined is Benedict Cumberbatch.

I randomly join a fanlisting every 0.31 days - in total I have joined 801 fanlistings.

I also have a total of 12 affiliates.

For those who don't know what a fansite or fanlisting is, there simply a website created and maintained by a fan for a subject or subjects. It could be a book series, a tv character, movie, comic, a musician, cartoon, ect. The main differents is, fanlistings are mainly just designed simply to list fans of a certain subject. They generally do not contain much information on the subject at all, aside from a small introduction. Mainly the thought is the visitor(s) have knowledge on the subject and wish to be part of the fun of creating a giant list of fans on the subject. Fansites are more in depth on the subject or subjects, by offering information on the subject. Such as biography, lastest news, episode listings, galleries, a discussion boards, media downloads, ect. In all, there both just for fun, unofficial.

So please, enjoy your stay!

My New Year's resolution |
Posted by Catherine on Febrary 3, 2012

On January 05th, I had updated my collective pages; deleted dead links, changed my many joined fl buttons from 75x50 to 100x50 and checked affiliates I have. I'm also in the middle of creating a new layout for it.

I have been very busy remodeling my many fanlistings and gettin my fansite on Geoffrey Rush up. A To Do list has been created and I will be updating it, every so offend until it is done.

These are affiliates to fanfilled.net and if you wish to become a affilaite send me a message. Mail: catherine [AT] fanfilled.net

 cloud-shade.org deadexit.org Devoted fanfreak.net fanlisting lane heartofsnow i heart you idiosyncratic January-Star Lindsey's Corner star-lett.net thislove.nu